Tuesday, January 30, 2007


One of the great joys of wintertime, the orchid blooms! We are not treating it as well as when it was younger. I am not sure what to do to make it bloom more. We have repotted it in the past but I am not sure that that is ok to do very often. One year it had over 25 blooms on it! It was soo beautiful I keep waiting for that to happen again but it hasn't. I can still hope and maybe remember to feed it in the summer to help it bloom. This is out our back window. The picture don't do it justice. The tree was full of FAT red breasted robins. I don't like the mess they make but it is so nice to look out and see life! We see blue jays and cardinals too. The tree had started to bud out with all the warm weather we had the last couple of weeks, only to die before spring. You never know what to expect to bloom come spring after a winter like this.
Last, THE REMOVAL OF LEVI'S STITCHES!!! I tried to get him to let me take the out but he said NOOOO. Of course when I ask him again he said ok but I was afraid if he freaked out I would have to face the doctor. His scar looks good and I bought some of the new cream to make it fade faster so this will be a good picture to go by. We can all be the judge if I wasted my 13 dollars or not.

Monday, January 29, 2007


The temperatures have dropped!! The last two Saturdays have got me wanting to get out side and walk, what a mistake! We started off yesterday just going to walk around the block. It took us 15 minutes just to get ready. 3 trips back inside to get more layers and off we go. This was one time when we needed pictures but I was not going to make the 4th trip inside for pictures. IT WAS COLD.... We ended up with snow suits on and scarves around our faces. The previous days warm temperatures were gone.

It really got me thinking about all of the homeless people.

I am so thankful to have the home I do. Any home would be nice. Just to be able to get shelter from the cold is a blessing.

I enjoyed my walk, being with my family, the hot chocolate I came home to. Now, what to do to help the homeless?

Sunday, January 28, 2007


The warmer weather and sunshine have brought us out the last two Saturdays. We live close to a nature sancuary, the ride there is beautiful with big open meadows and large old houses with character. So, off we go. It has been a while since we have gone because the trails are long and Naomi gets heavy. This time of year you can see really far because there are no leaves to block your view. Joe has seen deer but the only deer I have seen belong to ME! This weekend with the warmer temps we saw quite a few more people but still not many. I am looking forward to many more warmer days and lots more outing with the family. The warm sunshine felt great and the sound of running water is so peaceful. Not like the ocean but it will have to do!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007


These are the cards that were sent to him by his classmates!!
We are getting back to "normal" as you can see. This is the dinner that Joe's parents sent over last night. Levi felt better today and was very hungry. It was a good thing because these are the biggest crab legs I have ever seen!

Naomi's excited as you can see. We had more than enough food for our family and it was really good. Joe really knows how to fix seafood.
You can tell how much better Levi feels just by looking at him!
We had a snow (ice) day today so there wasn't school. I am really glad because it gave Levi another day to heal. I know he would have wanted to go to school if it was in but this made it easier. He was able to finish his work without any pressure and just relax. He now has some swelling and a little color but the stitches look good. I don't think it will be much of a scar, time will tell. Until next week when the stitches come out I hope this is the end of the story. Say a prayer for us!!

update on Levi

We relaxed the rest of the day. Elijah brought home from school a big bag of get well cards for Levi from his class. They were really well done and you can tell they care a lot about Levi. After dinner he could barely keep his eyes open so we turned in early.

I have had several calls from people at the school and the gym teacher. I think that is really saying something because all of them have family of their own and a lot going on but still took the time out to call and check on us!!

I can't say enough how much it means to me to be where we are. Of course there is nothing like family and I wish we were closer to mine but Joe's parents called and brought over food. Levi didn't feel like eating but it is the thought that counts.

The mom that went with us today is a certified school nurse. She told me she went to her car three times to leave but something kept calling her back. She later told me that she thinks God puts people where they are meant to be and I believe it. It was my day off and I was able to be there in minutes, that would never happen on a day I work.

I am thankful for the little things that make a difference.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


What a morning we had! It started off as usual until around 10 when the school called. Levi had an accident in gym and had fallen could I please come. The abulance is on its way. I hung up the phone, put some jeans on got Naomi and left. Had to call back to see where to go. I was met at the gym by the office worker who called and she took Naomi. Sure enough I beat the ambulance. Levi was on the ground with several adults around him. They had stopped the blood but it was cut really deep. He was very, very brave! On the way I thought to call his doctors office to see what I should do and they set up for me to go straight to a plastic surgeons office. Quick thinking saved us some trauma. The paramedic said we needed stitches and bandaged him up enough for me to take him. One of the volunteers at school who is a class mates mom offered to drive us. We met Joe and Levi got 12 stitches! 5 inside and 7 outside. The doctor was very proud of him. His class sent him a e-card and he has the rest of the day off!!

I have not gone through this before and pray I won't have to again but I am thankful that we had the thoughtful and caring people with us. I feel like that the family we have made at our school really cares about us and that we will be in their thoughts and prayers.

Levi is doing good, he is a little emotional but will be ready to go to school tomorrow. We'll let you know how taking out the stitches goes....

Levi sends his love to all his friends and family. Thank you for your prayers.

Friday, January 19, 2007


I have been sick since last Saturday. I really thought I had the flu but my test came back negative. Upper respiratory infection that felt like the flu!! It all started when I woke up early Sat. To take Elijah for his entrance exam for high school. I didn't feel great but just thought I hadn't had enough sleep. The longer I stayed and listened to what the principal had to say the worse I felt. I am glad I went, they had wonderful things to say but I felt bad !!

Enough about the sickness, I'm on the mend.

I was at work yesterday and learned that we have confirmed gand activity in the high schools. Now, that may not be new news but I had not heard it before! I had heard we had gangs in town, but not at the schools! I'm not sure how we got started talking about it but I think God is telling me not to worry, I am doing the right thing for my children by sending them to the Catholic schools. It is very expensive and I have thought about it a lot since I have three and this is only the beginning. I have prayed for peace about this and to make it work. So, the paper work is filled out and I am not going to worry about it. This is a new year full of possibilities for all of us. I have faith, lots of it!

I know everyone has lots to think about on their own but let me give you one more thing to keep in mind. Pray for those kids without positive direction. Let them see the light that there is a different way to live. It doesn't have to be about fighting, putting people down, hurting others. Life is about seeing, believing, caring... It's about what we make of it.

Saturday, January 13, 2007


I am sorry that you can not enlarge my last post of Levi's homework. That was one of the main reasons I put it on. He wrote a really sweet story but his spelling is what is funny. I helped him write and any spelling question I would have him spell it out loud and then I would correct if needed. Once the paper was written I was very surprised that it didn't look like what he said he was writing. Nice, with several miss spelled word but he did the work and I am proud! (Just wanted to share the rest of the story with you).

Thursday, January 11, 2007

BLAST FROM THE PAST Levi has been working on the sacrament of reconciliation in class and along with that studying his ancestry. This is a picture of the homework he had to turn in. The assignment was to tell a story of something that had happened in the past. Well, you know that is a tough one! The pictures came out (which took hours), so many stories to tell and I know his head was spinning!! So we left it alone for a day and when we came back to it he picked this picture. The first story that came to mind was visiting my grandfather at his bar-b-que restaurant when we were little. I could have told him a dozen more stories about Grandad and I am sure I have in the past but this one was for Levi. I don't ever want to forget about the past, I don't want to live in it but I think it is very important to pass it on to your kids. I'm glad the school feels the same way too.
One of Levi's project he came up with on his own. It looks kinda christmasy but he said it was something from star wars. I love that he has a great imagination and likes to create!

Now I know you all have seen before and after pictures so we thought we would do some of our own!

Of course I couldn't get Elijah to look old and tired and not smile. I was able to puff the hair out a bit on the before picture (the one on the left).

The after picture was made after a good nights rest, plenty of school work, a little time and my secret tool.

We try to stay busy, even if it is for our own entertainment! He was really surprised by his new look and had Levi screaming when he saw him for the first time (which Elijah absolutely loved his reaction). It is only temporary but he has made plans for me to do it again. Now Levi is ready to try a new look for a day, he can't give up the no hair carefree way!!

Monday, January 08, 2007


You know special the boys are so now you get to hear how special the girls are. I am amazed at the transformation before my eyes how they go from sweet innocent babies to grown up girls. I love the way they all like to get dirty but still like to look good when the time comes. They can all laugh at themselves and love to have a good time. They are all so helpful around the house and more than willing to lend a hand (or just do it for you). God has blessed us with so many in our family.

Hanna looking smart and cute!

Naomi getting ready to get dirty Sadie ready to give us a show!
Finally got that picture of Sam. Looking good with beautiful McKenzie.
Emily, Naomi, Katherine, and Levi ready to play. We love our cousins !!!!

Friday, January 05, 2007


I needed more picture room to fit in all of the little boys, so I added on to the previos blog only to find out that the only picture I have in my files of my nephew Sam were not for the internet. He is a funny boy and very speedy by nature so I have to move fast to capture him on the camera. Needless to say that doesn't happen very much! I wanted to post about them because they all are sooo sweet and cute but growing up wayyy too fast.

I feel very blessed to have each and everyone of them in my life! They are all fun to be around and enjoy each others company to the fullest. I miss them very much and can't wait to see them again!!!

Monday, January 01, 2007

WELCOME 2007!!! This is only a small portion of our family. As you can see by all the smiles they are great people to share time with. I hope in '07 we get to see each other even more.
We are at Chuck E Cheese. Elijah had to check my camera after this shot to make sure his look was just right to show how he was really feeling.
I feel so blessed to enjoy life everyday. I try to expose my kids to all the good things in life as I know they will soon see it all. This past year has brought sadness and joy. I pray in 2007 we will all be blessed with peace and happiness. We will grow and learn from our mistakes and learn the true meaning of life.