I guess everyone has heard of the cicada by now. This is the first time I remember having ever SEEN anything like this, ever. Naomi had her class picnic before school let out so we went to a neighboring park. We are getting there and the kids are excited until they spot this! The funny thing is, this is only a very small portion of the insects around the tree. So you can imagine their horror. I myself could not help but be fascinated by all the bugs coming out of their shells right before my very eyes!
Growing up we would go to my Grandmothers house (Dad's mom) and because family lived next door to her we would spend time hanging out front. She lived on an old street with huge trees. My earliest memory of cicadas was being at her house and finding the shells in the trees. I'm sure we were freaked out at the time but I thought it was cool to wear the bugs. I always attached them to my clothes, hair, whatever they would cling to, and then scare my sister!
Oh, the picnic was nice. It was hot, humid and everyone had bug guts on their towels from sitting on the ground (I told you they were everywhere!) but lots of fun.
never seen nor heard of them!!!! I would freak out too.
that's really buggie, great pictures!and nice story.
One of the things I love about your blog is I never know what to expect. It is informative, educational and always fun. I remember those bug shells. You all were never afraid of anything. And you were always into accessorising with the unusual!
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