This goes along with Mom's recent post here. She has a picture of my niece having her ears candled. One of the comments was someone asking if we nettied too. Since I know some people don't know what the neti pot is I thought I would share what we do. And there's no better way than showing a picture to get the whole picture!
Naomi has had a cold for a couple of days. So, at the first sign of stuffiness we broke out the neti pot. She has done it a couple of times before and it works really well for her. We usually don't end up at the doctor and she is feeling better fast.
The neti pot has been around for many, many years but I only started using it this year after all the trouble I was having with sinus infections. I was having to take more and stronger medicine with little results. At first I was reluctant to try it because the thought of putting something up my nose was more than I could bear. (Anyone who has had water up their nose can relate). But, at this point, I was willing to try anything. It stays in our bathroom as a constant reminder that help is always available. So, if you have trouble with congestion, as most of us do in our polluted world, I would invest in one. It made a believer out of me!
Great pictures!
Great explanation! I just never know what I will find when I turn on my computer. I love it!
I tagged this post on my blog:
Thanks for the mental stimulation!
Neti, is the name brand?? what is IN IT?? water, salt??? Tiki gets colds we go in the water to swim ( sounds opposite of what one should do) the salt water just cleans her out!!! Hawaiian medicine.
Dina-that's exactly it! Salt and water, nothing more. So many bennifits to living in Hawaii :)
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