Sunday, December 02, 2007


I am beginning to wonder what's going on. Am I not living life right?! We had termites this spring and now, I found LICE in Naomi's hair this weekend!!!!!!

THIS has to be the most frustrating and disgusting thing. We spent hours and hours on her. First I started off with a super hot flat iron, it seemed to work great on the adults but once I started looking she had a lot of nits too. I tried the iron on those too, but some of them were too close to her scalp. I really didn't want to use the pesticide on her but after hours of picking and burning I felt like we really didn't have a choice. In total, I think we spent 7 hours yesterday and 4 hours today picking nits. It's not that she had that many, it's just when you thought you had them all, you found one more!

I will say a positive thing about private school here, I DID have a class list with all of the phone numbers on it. I chose to call everyone yesterday to give them a heads up and ask them to check their child. Most everyone was really nice and understanding. Not the call I wanted to give, I just want to take care of it as quickly as possible.

So, if you are like me and have never seen one of these babies, click on the pic for a more disgusting look at what we dealt with this weekend, yuck! She has no idea what is really going on. She just wants to be her silly self and have fun. This was no fun for any of us.
She doesn't look like she's been picked on for hours.
Sorry for the gross downer today, I knew you all would want me to share.


Dina said...

Kathy, one thing about Hawaii you probably didn;t know....THIS IS COMMON FOR US. it is gross,but I'm not grossed out cuz its an everyday occurance here. We check the kids on a REGULAR basis for what we call "UKU's" (u-koo's)
we put the treatment in, use the comb, wash the clothes. you have to. cuz i tried it on Tiki, and the nits didn't come back!

Dina said...

sorry, not that Tiki has them everyday...but the little kids have to be checked ALL THE TIME!!!
Tiki had it far!

Kathy said...

Dina-Wow!!!Is there a secret to checking? I washed and fixed Naomi's hair all week before I descovered them on Sat. How could they go unnoticed till then?!

One of the moms told me to get Loreal strawberry kids shampoo. She said it had to be strawberry to work. That for some reason the lice didn't get on kids that used it. I am going to try it, what can it hurt?