Saturday, December 01, 2007


This is it. Trying to get dinner ready after running around like a made woman, before a late night meeting. Elijah comes out with this look. It's the whole package, from the hat to the shoes. He suggests that I put this on our Christmas card. I told him I had my doubts but I could at least put it on the Internet. Oh, and I offered to make cards for his friends. Notice Naomi in the background. What do you think she is thinking?! And Levi, never to be out done comes with his look. He doesn't have ALL the accessories, but he does have the moves. He thought he wanted to wear boxers until I put them for him to wear "for real" then he says they need to be tighter. Live and learn, live and learn.
With dinner almost ready (I don't know how), Naomi comes with HER look. Thankfully she had a different idea with the same moves. How can three kids be so different but so much the same?
We had a nice dinner with a little pre-dinner entertainment, and I made it to my meeting on time! Oh, what a life I lead.


Dianne said...

I love it!!!

I must admit my grandchildren are very entertaining. Never a dull moment!

Dina said...

OMG!! THESE ARE AWESOME!!! Save these! when the boys get married, SHOW THESE AT THE WEDDING (they will have forgotten all about them)