Tuesday, June 23, 2009


My boy is at camp this week. I miss him....It is the first time he has every been away from home for more than a night.

Detailed information was given at a meeting the other night. The head counselor was telling what protocol is for homesick kids. First they try to sooth the child on their own. If that fails, a call is made home and we have one of two choices. The first being, "My baby, my baby, I'll be there to pick you up asap". The second being, "My son, my son, stick it out and the week will end soon".

He didn't mention what we should do if missed them. Say a prayer for Levi that he is safe, having fun and making good choices, I am.


Dianne said...

I'm sure he is having a great time! He looks so grown up with his new glasses.

Frankie said...

He looks like he's saying "don't worry mom"!,
more precious memories.