Monday, November 27, 2006

Cute pic of some of the family. We had a hard time getting a good one of all 18 of us. When the camera comes out we all turn silly!

We had a great time at my parent over Thanksgiving! I feel like I didn't get to spend much time there but it was nice to see everyone. I miss my family a lot. Everyone is great, even though I don't get to see my older nieces and nephew much! The kids all get along great and can't wait to go back. I know we wear my parents out when we visit because it is always so wild but they will just have to suffer for family's sake!!

We are back in our home town now and in the routine as usual. As I get older I don't mind things being uneventful because I know there is always excitement around the corner. My client today told me to relish the years with my kids now because that all will soon change. After reading my nieces my space I believe it! Children grow up waaaay to fast.

1 comment:

Dina said...

Kathy, I HEAR YA...Myspace...oh Dear Lord, let there be NO MYSPACE WHEN Mychild IS OLDER....its sooo scary!!