Tuesday, October 16, 2007


We have been hearing about the drought all summer long. In the paper today they are putting numbers behind the message. How many days left before the lakes dry up. In Atlanta the number is approximately 100. That is unthinkable, three months to come up with a solution.

Water is something we have always taken for granted. You turn the faucet on and water comes out. You go to the store and purchase water, no problem. We all need it to live. Thankfully it is raining here, and as much as I love the sun I hope to see a few days of nice steady rain. This is something to definitely pray about.

Hitting close to home.
There are several ponds on the farm.
In the 10 years I have seen them, this is the worst. You can see how dry it is from the edge. The tracks on the right are made from turtles that moved when the water receded.
This was once a big pond. It dried up slowly at first as you can see by the ring and now it is gone.
They just HAD to get a closer look.

1 comment:

Dina said...

yeah, when you start to SEE the results...it is scary.