Sunday, November 11, 2007


I have posted before how wonderful it is to have good friends but we have a situation worth mentioning again. My dear friend PJ, (Georgia's mom) stopped by Fri night on a whim. She has never done that before but was out for the evening and thought enough about us that she thought she would stop by. It has been a long time since I have had a friend do that. It seem everyone is sooo busy that everything needs to be scheduled. I try not to live my life like that. I do what I have to, and granted as you know, times can be busy but for the most part we just like to hang. So, with my SIL on the way, dinner finished, we were just chillin. This is where I think things are just meant to be. In stop PJ and Greg, Mary Grace arrives and I introduce them. Before they leave PJ says, "Stop by the store, we are having a $5 sale that could end at any moment." I said thanks and they left and kinda forgot about it.

Now, I am not a big shopper but I love a good bargain. We had invited Georgia over to play the next day so when she showed up I thought to myself we need to check out that sale. Mary Grace has decided to take a job as a substitute teacher and is in desperate need of new clothes. The catch is like the rest of us short on cash. She had already decided she wanted a new hairstyle so some clothes would be nice. We thought if we could find an outfit or two we would be doing good. What an understatement! We left the store with $2322.46 worth of clothes!!!! PJ was the best!!!!!! We got in there and started looking around but quickly decided to ask for her help since she knew her merchandise. We left there with 5 skirts, 4 pairs of pants, 13 shirts, 1 vest and 1 jacket. Oh, and 4 pairs of shoes. They cost a little more than $5 but not much, and they were good quality versatile shoes. So we took our load, hugged PJ and left. I said I felt like one of those people that get a rush out of shopping! And Mary was on cloud 9!!!!!!!!!

All that was left was the new do. Get ready for the before and after because here she is.....

Does she LOOK happy???!!!!!
Possible outfit combinations.
After, hubba hubba.

1 comment:

Dina said...

she LOOKS AWESOME!!! I saw makeovers on Oprah the other day and thought..."I have had the same hair style since 16 yrs old, same clothes" OPRAH HELP ME!!! so cousin, pull some strings and see what Oprah can do for ME!!