Tuesday, April 08, 2008


All of you must know by now that I get distracted easy. Most of the time it is not a problem but I have decided I will start my list again. I used a notebook for a long time and that was the most effective. I finally threw it out after feeling like I always had a job to do. But, guess what, I DO always have a job to do! So, for a year now I have been walking around in circles getting done only what was staring me in the face.

The latest staring me in the face project was de-cluttering my home. I went through the attic, my office and several other rooms. While in the attic I ran across the bag of material that I had kept from my Grandma. Being the seamstress she was she had lots of material when she died and Mom and Dad inherited it all. We donated some of it to the kids school (which they loved!) Mary Grace and I took some and left the rest for Mom. Believe me, there was plenty!

In the bag I found this one piece that I thought would make great seat cushions. I had some chairs that we inherited from Joe's family that were old and worn out that just begged to be recovered. We had some old foam and batting, now we had the material, so, since it was staring me in the face, I must do it. Joe of course, can' t believe his ears. (We have had all this stuff for years). But, being the sweetheart that he is, he obliged me! The kids love to help too! Best, I can cross a project off my list before it even makes it on there!!! Levi checking for pins. He has a good eye and found a few!
Just starting out. The material doesn't look too bad from a distance but up close it is worn. Did I mention that we put the missing piece to the chair somewhere? I haven't found it yet but I am not giving up hope.
Naomi doing her part. Giving the chairs a good cleaning! She is totally posing for the picture, "Wait, let me get inside. Does this look good?" You see how well she is cleaning.
What do you think, new and improved? Not your traditional seat covering but they work well in my home.


Dianne said...

The chairs look great! I don't recognize the fabric. What is made of?

Kathy said...

Grandma had started a cape(which I would have loved!) But not far enough into it to finish.

The material is like fake fur, very soft and good feeling. I thought it might hide anything that gets on them.