Friday, April 04, 2008


I worked the first part of the week, but the latter has been spent cleaning and purging. I must admit, it feels good. I have organized several room and several areas in other rooms. Writing it out seems like I have accomplished a lot but in reality, it has only put a small dent in our home. The kids have had fun playing with each other, helping out a little, but most of all, just having the time to hang out. If it was pretty outside, I might have a different story but this has given me the opportunity to do some much needed work.

It all started with the electronic recycling that the city put on. We have been saving our alkaline batteries for years as I hate to throw them in the landfill and they were willing to take them! It seems that they are doing it more often, which is great. It caused us to clear out things that were stuck in the deepest, darkest parts of our home and it snowballed from there.

The other good that will come of this is, what was not recycled will be donated to Elijah's school for a yard sale that will benefit the choir. It is set for 2 weeks, so I will have to look at the mounds of plastic bags but it is for a good cause!


Dianne said...

Sounds like you have been busy. Did you take off from work for spring break?

I'm jealous, I thought you were supposed to visit your parents on spring break if you didn't go to Florida. :) ;)

You did what I need to do. I need to weed out a lot of stuff so my family won't have to do it. I can hear you all now. "Why do you think she kept this" "What do think she did with this." "Let's just toss all of this." "Does anybody want this."
Just kidding, I will leave instructions as to what to do with everything!
Love Ya!

Frankie said...

I did the same thing a few weeks ago, for a garage sale at church. I took a truck load, and can hardly tell any thing is missing, after all I have lived here over 30 yrs.
have a list of instructions like Dianne's too.ha

Dina said...

Thats I said, when you HAVE the time off nothing too exciting comes from it....when you have to work, you feel like there are SO MANY fun things to do!