Sunday, June 01, 2008


My oldest left for Europe this morning. We were up until 1 this morning packing and had to be at school at 5:45 AM! He is a huge procrastinator and actually said to me, "Why didn't you tell me this would be harder than just throwing things in a bag?"

I stare at him with a blank look, (I DID tell him).

Anyway, he is in for a time of his life. They will be gone for 12 days and will sing at; Notre Dame, Eglise Saint Pierre d'Arene, Santa Maria dei Ricci Church, Waldesian Church and Basilica of St. Peter's.

They will spend time in Paris, Lyon, Nice, Montecatini, and Rome. I have never been out of the country but have been assured by everyone that has, it is wonderful. I tried to encourage him to write about his adventures but he declined. I guess time will tell. I did let him take my good camera in hopes that he would use it.

Now, for a request. PLEASE pray for my boy and his group. Pray that he is safe, makes good decisions and has a wonderful time. Makes new friends and furthers his singing career.

Thank you all. Now I will be totally distracted for the next 12 days. Amen.


Dina said...

WWOW!! What an honor!!! Prayers are on their way!!! what a lucky guy, I'm sure this is ONLY the beginning.

I wish he would listen to you and keep a journal....he will thank you later :)

Dianne said...

AMEN! We are praying he has a safe and fun trip! He probably doesn't realize how very blessed he is.

I hope he takes a lot of photos!