Friday, January 30, 2009


My house is trashed but it feels SO good! I am grateful for our good friends PJ, Gregg and Georgia. The opened their home to us (which is not a small thing, considering we are a family of five) fed us and gave us a place to sleep. Gregg entertained us with his music and gave us a place to play. Yea, Wii golf! Thank you my friends, we love you!

I talked to Mom, they are without cell service again. She said they are doing well and adapting to live without power. Thank goodness for natural gas! They are staying warm and very popular. Dad, being an electrician is the most popular guy around! I invited them to come stay with us but she said they are needed there. I forget that Dad gets lots of attention when times are tough.

Thank you all for your thoughts and prayers at such a tough time. We really feel the love.

These pics were made the other day. Joe stayed home and braved the outdoors. He loves to take pictures too and did a great job of it! All of these are made around our property. You may recognise some of the sights. Levi looking frosty.
Out on the curb.

Naomi is loving it!

Out back, my girl is made for the weather.

The natural part of our yard.

The fence around the basketball court.

Snow angel.

MY snow angel.


1 comment:

Dina said...

those are great photos of WHATS GOING ON!!! I give u guys sooo much credit...I would be complaining!!!!