Thursday, August 20, 2009


I know there are lots of kids out there, I have a few myself. But sweet baby Jack is one sweet baby! He has so much expression in his face, it makes you want to smile just looking at him. I started this the other night when I was alone and looking at my pictures. I had so many of Jack at Max's soccer game that it is a wonder I saw any of the game at all. But I did, and it was good too! I got to take quite a few shots with Larry's camera, but for some reason I can't get them to go on the blog. So, I picked the next best subject which was Jack. Very much the center of attention. He looks like he is saying "Save me from Naomi! She won't even let me get dirty!!!"
"Boy, this thing is heavy!" But something over to the side has got my attention...."wonder if Pop is over there?"

"Oh Boy! I am having so much fun, I could do this all day! Are you up for that G-daddy? Pleeease!!!

"Now I know I have seen my momma ride it like this!"

Lastly, I just like this shot.

1 comment:

Larry said...

Kathy, those are great. The ones from my camera are too big of a file size. I bet they have a limit on how big they can be. Try making them smaller and saving them in another folder. Or you could try to load one at a time. Thats why I had a time emailing them to you before. Remember?