Monday, August 31, 2009

YESTERDAY,all my troubles seem so far away.....

Yesterday was full of adventure. Elijah had a concert yesterday evening and had to be out of town early so we decided to make a day of it an go to our friends' farm. The first thing I noticed was the sky when we got there. The clouds were so low to the ground, I felt like I could reach out and touch them. It was like one of those really fake backdrops, that are cool but not believable.

After that, Vicki showed us the horses. We were too late to ride, which was just as well, since that gave us more time to play in the water. I couldn't believe how friendly her horses are. I have been around horses before and have always felt a little scared. Not with hers, they reminded me more of dogs that liked to be petted. They are so soft and sweet, it was hard to leave.

But we did, and off to the water we went. Joe caught a couple of fish, I played in the shells and caught a couple of crayfish. It is always fun and entertaining in the water!

This was on the drive home. The sky was beautiful with all the colors and the fluffy clouds.
The farm that we went to belongs to our friends at the Easy Riders Ranch. You can find out more about the ranch at the web site here.
Two of Vicki's horses, Thunder and May, some of the friendliest horses you'll ever meet!

One of Joe's big catches. Levi was there for moral support!

I was none to happy to see this creature! Not a deal breaker, but I would be happier, knowing that there weren't any snakes around. Of course, it would not be the great outdoors if that was the case.

Kids afloat. I was in the other one cruising around, it was fun!

Joe looking studly! He is on the island with the snake, watch out!!!

Love this! Shells galore.

This is the fake backdrop I was talking about. My camera doesn't do it justice, but I'm happy enough capturing the moment as I did.

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