Thursday, August 06, 2009


Assateague IslandThe wild Maryland horses roaming around freely.

Seacrets Bar
Joe wanting to be part of the Bobsled team.

Hanging out by the vintage VW.

Captain Seacrets

Special feature of the bar, eating outside!

Getting ready to order, everything looks so good! We went for the recommended jerk chicken, fries and crab toast. Mmm good.

Back at the Beach.
Sand flea, one of the fun parts of the beach. We loved to see how many we could catch and release.

Naomi (Medusa) hanging out in the sand. We buried her standing up and she just grew from there.

Original inspiration!

Levi loving the surf. Or should I say, Levi, happy as a clam?

Naomi catching a wave.

Waiting for just the right wave!

Sea gull by the Sea shore.

Bad Ass Cafe

Meme posing by the artwork. I got a lot of pictures in here because it was so amazing, how real everyone seemed. It was a good blend of stars.

Meme and her bodacious biscuit!


Out and About
My tough guys. Levi going for a spin on the Boardwalk.

Levi in love.

Joe (aka Wolverine) and Levi getting ready to head around the track.

The Big Catch
Refer to my earlier post about the Family Fisherman. Pop's big catch!

Early Morning Adventure
Me and Meme after being up for hours watching the fishing boats take off for the day. We were getting ready to hit the beach before anyone else.

We spent hours watching the boats go out waiting for the sunrise and talking. I looked up and all of the sudden this is what was on the horizon, Beautiful!

The fishing boat, heading out to do some tournament fishing. It was super early but well worth the time. So peaceful, watching the ships pass in the night.


Dina said...

awww what a great time!!! wonderful pix too...I like the Medusa sand one, and well, ALL OF THEM!! WISH U ALL COULD VISIT OUR BEACH

Kathy said...

Oh Dina, I wish we could too! One day for sure, I would love to visit you in Hawaii.