Tuesday, July 08, 2008


After checking the update on my Dad from their blog, it reminded me of a conversation I had with Naomi yesterday.

We found out Naomi is having thyroid problems through some blood work that she had done last week. The doctor set up an appointment with the endocrinologist for some time next week to find out the details. In order to get her ready for her appointment I have been telling her what to expect (not quite sure myself) but that they may need to draw more blood.

Now, the funny part.

We are driving in the car and talking. She knows that she is going to see the specialist but now she is telling me what she will do and what she won't do. She says that she does not want a shot. She does not want to have her blood taken. She thinks for a minute and says, "I will take an x-ray!".

I guess that came from talking to Pop as I have said nothing about x-rays so it really caught me off guard. We laughed and ended the conversation with me telling her we will do what the doctor says to get better. (Always the spoiler, I know!).


Frankie said...

those are difficult moments, sounds like you took care of it nicely.
hope all is well with the blood work.
praying for Naomi, and all your family.

Dina said...

oh, kids are soo real & raw!!!

I hope it all works out ok. prayers are with you

Nazahan said...

nice blog....god bless u