Tuesday, July 29, 2008


I thought it time to show a blast from the past.

This picture was taken to run in the local paper. I can't remember exactly how I got involved, but that it involved the girl on the left. She worked at the newspaper, and I guess was writing an article on summer. From the looks of me, I wasn't in beauty school. It looks like we could ALL use a little beauty help. Needless to say, I didn't get called back to model any more. Some things should not live on, and this might just be one of them. You all know me, I will do just about anything to get a smile going in the morning! Have a great day!!!


Dina said...

Oh I loooove it!!! you never got called back because you upstaged her!!!! you look GREAT!!! perfect pose!! show more, show more!!

Kathy said...

Dina- You're KILLING me! After I looked at the picture again today, I decided she wanted me because SHE was supposed to wear the swimsuit! I'm sure she would never admit it but I bet that was the case.