Thursday, August 14, 2008


I hope you all aren't getting sick of the vacation yet. I told you that I had too many pictures to choose from! These were made on various days through the week. Everyday was beautiful. Some of the memorable things you don't see everyday was the abundance of butterflies. I thought it was a fluke when I saw 15 or so together on the ground but it turned out I would see a group like that almost everyday near the water. The other thing that I loved that in no way could I reproduce was the way the water sparkled. I'm not talking about clear, which it was. I'm talking about mica. It is a mineral found in A LOT of rock there. So of course there is a lot of it in the water and anytime the water is stirred it sparkles! Joe tried to go fishing at least once everyday.
Naomi's excited!!!
Some of those pretty butterflies. Counting, there are 14 and that wasn't all of them!
The water was sooo low. They didn't have much luck here but that didn't stop them from trying. Pop is trying to catch one while Joe is out in town.
The only one on record, caught the last day. I guess it made it all worth while.


Dina said...

are you KIDDING?! I loooove these vacation pictures. Its as though I got a vacation and watching threw you!!!

Dianne said...

Yes, I am enjoying seeing our photos. We did have a great time!

Dianne said...

Pop wants to know what Joe was trying to catch with this bait. lol ;-)