Friday, January 19, 2007


I have been sick since last Saturday. I really thought I had the flu but my test came back negative. Upper respiratory infection that felt like the flu!! It all started when I woke up early Sat. To take Elijah for his entrance exam for high school. I didn't feel great but just thought I hadn't had enough sleep. The longer I stayed and listened to what the principal had to say the worse I felt. I am glad I went, they had wonderful things to say but I felt bad !!

Enough about the sickness, I'm on the mend.

I was at work yesterday and learned that we have confirmed gand activity in the high schools. Now, that may not be new news but I had not heard it before! I had heard we had gangs in town, but not at the schools! I'm not sure how we got started talking about it but I think God is telling me not to worry, I am doing the right thing for my children by sending them to the Catholic schools. It is very expensive and I have thought about it a lot since I have three and this is only the beginning. I have prayed for peace about this and to make it work. So, the paper work is filled out and I am not going to worry about it. This is a new year full of possibilities for all of us. I have faith, lots of it!

I know everyone has lots to think about on their own but let me give you one more thing to keep in mind. Pray for those kids without positive direction. Let them see the light that there is a different way to live. It doesn't have to be about fighting, putting people down, hurting others. Life is about seeing, believing, caring... It's about what we make of it.


Dina said...

excuse me cousin...Don't tell me this was you when you werent feeling well!!! you can't be that pretty when your sick....I know how you feel about gangs...i almost felt like they don't exsist anymore until I worked at the schools....what you don't hear on a day to day basis!!!

anyway, glad your on your way to recouping....your such a great mom!

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are making the right decision about the children's school. You are investing in their future.

Kathy said...

funny Dina...Levi took this picture at Christmas. You WOULD NOT have wanted to see me when I was sick!