Tuesday, January 23, 2007


What a morning we had! It started off as usual until around 10 when the school called. Levi had an accident in gym and had fallen could I please come. The abulance is on its way. I hung up the phone, put some jeans on got Naomi and left. Had to call back to see where to go. I was met at the gym by the office worker who called and she took Naomi. Sure enough I beat the ambulance. Levi was on the ground with several adults around him. They had stopped the blood but it was cut really deep. He was very, very brave! On the way I thought to call his doctors office to see what I should do and they set up for me to go straight to a plastic surgeons office. Quick thinking saved us some trauma. The paramedic said we needed stitches and bandaged him up enough for me to take him. One of the volunteers at school who is a class mates mom offered to drive us. We met Joe and Levi got 12 stitches! 5 inside and 7 outside. The doctor was very proud of him. His class sent him a e-card and he has the rest of the day off!!

I have not gone through this before and pray I won't have to again but I am thankful that we had the thoughtful and caring people with us. I feel like that the family we have made at our school really cares about us and that we will be in their thoughts and prayers.

Levi is doing good, he is a little emotional but will be ready to go to school tomorrow. We'll let you know how taking out the stitches goes....

Levi sends his love to all his friends and family. Thank you for your prayers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm glad Levi is okay! He looks like he is very brave. Did he fall or what? This was your day off, wasn't it? Good for that. Sounds like you handled it without panic. Give Levi a big hug and kiss from me and Pop.