Tuesday, January 30, 2007


One of the great joys of wintertime, the orchid blooms! We are not treating it as well as when it was younger. I am not sure what to do to make it bloom more. We have repotted it in the past but I am not sure that that is ok to do very often. One year it had over 25 blooms on it! It was soo beautiful I keep waiting for that to happen again but it hasn't. I can still hope and maybe remember to feed it in the summer to help it bloom. This is out our back window. The picture don't do it justice. The tree was full of FAT red breasted robins. I don't like the mess they make but it is so nice to look out and see life! We see blue jays and cardinals too. The tree had started to bud out with all the warm weather we had the last couple of weeks, only to die before spring. You never know what to expect to bloom come spring after a winter like this.
Last, THE REMOVAL OF LEVI'S STITCHES!!! I tried to get him to let me take the out but he said NOOOO. Of course when I ask him again he said ok but I was afraid if he freaked out I would have to face the doctor. His scar looks good and I bought some of the new cream to make it fade faster so this will be a good picture to go by. We can all be the judge if I wasted my 13 dollars or not.


Anonymous said...

Your orchid is beautiful, as usual. Levi's head looks like it is healing nicely. Granny always put vitamin E oil on scars. That is supposed to make them go away. I'm ready for spring.

Dina said...

WOW that is some gash!! looks like it will heal nice. we used to use vitamin e oil on scars too.

beuatiful orchids!!! I think your mom should paint them...hint hint!

Anonymous said...

This is to Levi from Sam.

I'm sorry you got your head hurt. When it gets better we can go outside and ride the snow board and go sledding on another snow day.