Wednesday, January 24, 2007

update on Levi

We relaxed the rest of the day. Elijah brought home from school a big bag of get well cards for Levi from his class. They were really well done and you can tell they care a lot about Levi. After dinner he could barely keep his eyes open so we turned in early.

I have had several calls from people at the school and the gym teacher. I think that is really saying something because all of them have family of their own and a lot going on but still took the time out to call and check on us!!

I can't say enough how much it means to me to be where we are. Of course there is nothing like family and I wish we were closer to mine but Joe's parents called and brought over food. Levi didn't feel like eating but it is the thought that counts.

The mom that went with us today is a certified school nurse. She told me she went to her car three times to leave but something kept calling her back. She later told me that she thinks God puts people where they are meant to be and I believe it. It was my day off and I was able to be there in minutes, that would never happen on a day I work.

I am thankful for the little things that make a difference.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The times don't show it, but we must be doing this at the same time as you just answered my previous questions when I went back to see Levi again. God is always looking out for us but sometimes we just don't notice. Love to all.