Sunday, February 03, 2008


Bright Idea
Originally uploaded by Monkey River Town

I just wanted to pass on some info that I just learned. In the parade magazine that is in our newspaper they have a section titled Medical Alert. Today they had one with the light bulb image and a woman rubbing her head.

For the last year, our utility company has been pushing for people to use this type of bulb to save energy. I'm all for that and have purchased a few. Now for the alert.

The lightbulb contains mercury. If one breaks, DO NOT vacuum it up! It can release toxic dust in the air. Instead, leave the room for 15 minutes. Then, wearing gloves, place the fragments into a plastic bag, seal it and take it to a recycling center.

The only problem is, I don't know where a recycling center is!

I found this very interesting and helpful, I hope you did too. Maybe we can save our enviornment by getting the word out.

1 comment:

Dina said...

very interesting...thanks!