Saturday, March 03, 2007


Different birthday of course. Only 2 days until my oldest turns14!!!!

We have never got to have him a "real" birthday party with all of his friends. So, with this being his last year in middle school I decided it was time. He goes to a small school and the thought of inviting all his classmates crossed my mind but then I snapped out of my fog. WHAT WAS I THINKING!!!! I have heard about the "girls hate the boys" and I know that there is a little division in the class anyway. So, what was I thinking.

New plan, have a surprise party! I called the boys that I knew were his really good friends and got A LOT of positive feedback. They all wanted to come. One had a religious obligation and was very disappointed. (The reason I told you this was because E thinks we are uncool and no one would want to come to our house!)

We got him out of the house to get a movie so I had to work fast. I put the boys to work putting up streamer and the party had started. (We only had to wait for the birthday boy). That's when It got a tricky. I can't lie very well so when he came home I told him to find Naomi but I couldn't tell him where she was. So he opened the basement door and saw one of his friend but when we went downstairs the lights were dim and all the kids had hidden! Too cool. So the surprise was over and the party really started.

He got lots of great presents and they all seemed to have a really good time. The boys were really nice and used their manners. I am so glad that I chose to have the party and know he has some really good friend that may last a life time!


Dina said...

aahhh what a great MOM!!


Dianne said...

Happy Birthday Elijah. We love you.

Dianne said...

Hey there....I'm missing you.
How about an update. I love you.