Tuesday, March 27, 2007


I have been thinking.

I felt really good this weekend. It seems like things are coming together in "my little world". I am very aware of the pain and suffering that goes on in the big world, in my own family. But as you can see from the last posts I am trying to make the most of what I have.

I have been dealing with a sinus infection since January and I have finally found something that makes me feel better. That's definitely something to smile about.

I spent the day with Joe's mom and her sister. We had lots of laughs, a good lunch and a plan to see the rest of the family. When to friends house, got goodies, made them feel better and left with a plan to help landscape her yard. Home to movies with the family.

Cleaned the house, worked in the yard. Mamaw and her sister came over, showed off my goodies had some good conversations and some good laughs. Went to church, everyone behaved! Dropped Elijah off at his dad's and came home to relaxation and a massage for Joe and me!

BIG SURPRISE! after a nice big breakfast an a plan to go to the farm my son (who WILL NOT go to the basement alone) went to the basement to get his toys and found water dripping from the ceiling, soaking the carpet. He saved the day! The refrigerators filter malfunctioned and was sending out more water than needed, a lot more water. We were able to fix the problem fairly easy without costing us more than the price of a new filter. Whew.

On to the farm...I get a chance to call my parents and actually talk for a while. I miss them so much and wish we could see them more. Maybe soon...Arrive at the farm, it is always nice place to go to. We see the most beautiful geode rocks with crystals, the wide open space and the serenity of it all. Today we were on a mission, I needed 11 trees for my friend. We ended up with the small cedar trees after a nice walk and two awesome rocks. I am learning to not pick up every beautiful thing I see although it is hard.

Stop by my friends house to drop the plants and she is THRILLED! She has another friend there that I had met before, but in talking with her she has a little boy Levi's age and wants to get together sometime.

This brings me to Sunday night. I was thinking of all the people that have touched my life. In the past month I have reconnected with two friends I had lost touch with. Spent some time with someone I admire and can learn lots of useful things from. Made two new friends and am looking forward to spending some time with my family, very soon.

The sun is shining, I am feeling well, have been working out since the first of the year. I have great kids, a wonderful husband and a family that gets along and really cares about each other. You can see why I feel so good. I love making others feel as good as I can and pray that they find the peace and love they deserve.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

This is regarding both posts. Yes, you did get new shoes twice a year. Sandals in the summer and lace-up oxfords when school started. I thought that was great. When we were young, we got new shoes each year before school started. We went barefooted in the summer.
You are indeed blessed with family who love you and lots of good friends too.