Sunday, October 05, 2008


Well, they finally did it! Joe's parents finally started building their home at the farm. It has been the talk for as long as I have known them and, rumor has it, long before that. With the beautiful weekend, and the money we have been saving driving our new economy car, we had to see it for ourselves. We had so much fun Saturday that we decided that we needed to go back today and enjoy it again.

We met Joe's parents yesterday and enjoyed some time with them. Today Elijah and our friend Georgia joined us. Between the two days we enjoyed looking and finding arrowheads, riding the motorcycle, digging in the massive amounts of dirt, swinging on the tire swing, roasting wienies and marshmallows, spending time with family, the beautiful outdoors, and seeing all the progress that has been made. The kids took the wagon and drove it down a semi-steep hill. Thrilling and dangerous (they had helmets on). We took the deer stand down, which was a big deal if you can remember from previous post how high that thing was. We were very grateful to have a big strong boy there to help us out!

Looking down on what will be their poured basement. This is also the starting point for the wagon. The end is close to the barn at the end of the hill.
This is the driveway, looking into what will be the basement. The motorcycle should put it into perspective for you. Joe picked out the sight, and did a mighty fine job of it.
Saturday night dinner.
Today with the kids on one of the many piles of dirt. They loved digging, kicking, sliding all in the dirt. Also the starting point of the hill to ride the wagon down....
...and the motorcycle. All the driving of the heavy equipment left the ground compacted and a little slick. I rode the motorcycle a few times on it and was very cautious. Elijah looked like a pro.

I think everyone had a great time and is looking forward to our next trip. I am going to try and keep up with the home building. The estimate is ten weeks until completion, I hope we get out there again before it's done!

We're really looking forward to next weekend already, it should be an adventure too. I'll be sure to fill you all in later!


Frankie said...

your adventure was such fun! I really enjoyed seeing all the pictures, and
hearing about your family.

Dina said...

Sounds great!! I loved riding motorcycles too!! Elijah DOES look like a pro!!