Tuesday, April 03, 2007


It's still fairly early and I have already spent waaaay more money that I ever thought I would on some thing most people will never even know about (consider yourselves out in blogger land some of the few).

I'm talking about my teeth. Any one who has ever had much dental work knows what I'm taking about. I, myself am still in shock. I have dental insurance but it seems insurances never seem to pay as much as you think they will. I'll let you know....

I went last week for a routine cleaning to a new dentist and after a little discussion he thought I should get a bite guard. It seems that my teeth have shifted later in life and he thinks I might be grinding them at night (due to all the stress in my life :) I didn't realize I had) It would be for a small fee of course but It was something I was willing to try. After having fairly straight teeth all of my life I don't want to take a chance on them getting worse. You know all that stress isn't going to go away ;) So I was committed to that. They ask me to bring in my ex-rays from my old dentist and upon looking at them and a little further inspection my new dentist let me know I was going to run into some serious problems and soon. One of my molars was cracked, not once but 4 times! I knew it wasn't right but he explained my options. Fix it now while I still had something to work with or be the emergency call later. I know what it's like to be at someones mercy so I made the decision to become a lot lighter in my pocket!

I hope I made the right decision, the anaesthegia is wearing off and I can really feel the work that has been done. I think tooth pain is one of the worst. I don't have much to compare it to but I know I don't like it.


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