Sunday, April 22, 2007


I haven't written about food to much, but I could not resist today. (I thought I was done writing all together but this was to good to pass up.) Written today in our local paper was an article on trans fats. The article went on to say that more people are hurting themselves with products made from saturated fat because of the massive change in manufacturing. It gave the names of the "good" oils but went on to say that although you can fry a chicken in canola or soybean oil you can't make a pie crust with olive oil. This is where I stopped and had to re-read. The thing is I haven't made a pie crust with any thing but olive oil! As you can see my pie crust looks as good as any I have seen and tastes great.

I have to admit I was inspired by the article. I didn't know what I was going to have for dinner until then. Now, I just had to make a crust and have a quiche fill it up. The best one yet!!

I will let you in on the recipe in case you want to give it a try. It is so simple and something I think everyone should know how to do. I know the store bought ones are nice but these are handy if you keep oil and flour around. It takes about 5minutes to prepare.
1 cup flour
1/4 cup olive oil
3 tablespoons water
mix well and roll between waxed paper sheets.

double the recipe for 2 crust
Now on a different note. The conversation I had with my son as we were getting ready for the yard sale. I had told them to find things in their rooms that they didn't mind to part with. My son came with 4 books. 2 Junie B. Jones books, a book about Moses and The story of David and Goliath. This is were the conversation begins.
Me, "are you sure you want to get rid of these books?"
Levi, "yes"
Me, "why don't we give them to your catholic school?"
Levi looking very puzzled, "why would I give them to my school, they already know about this stuff. We need to sell them to people that don't know."
Me looking like the light went on in my brain, "OK, good idea."

1 comment:

Dianne said...

I have never been able to make pie crust any other way.