Thursday, April 26, 2007


Just when I think I have seen it all, our little ole newspaper tells me different. The head line read, Does your car say 'Hey I'm Gay?'. Needless to say I was a little surprised. I am not one that pays much attention to vehicles. I can appreciate well kept cars and love muscle cars but beyond that I am at a loss. I don't think I will ever assume what a person is like by the car they drive but with this much info what's a girl to do?

It seems like there is more than meets the eye. I learned from the article that car makers are marketing aggressively to gay consumers. TV shows are making a difference in what people drive, as in the shows where the main character is gay and drive a certain vehicle.

There is was even a poll seeking to determine the most gay automobile! A web site that list the "Top 10 Gay Cars" and the slogan from Subaru "It's not a choice, It's the way we're built." is a subtle gay-rights message.

Now I have more information than I know what to do with. So, the obvious thing to do was to share with you all.

Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel, let's roll baby roll, roll baby roll, all night long.

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