Friday, April 20, 2007

TODAY, I shoulda known....

I should have known when I stepped into the doctors office and the first thing I pick up was a outdoor furniture catalog. With the most interesting pieces in it that I had to bring it home (with permission, of course) to show Joe for future project reference.

I should have known when the doctor walks in and takes a closer look at my purse, touches and says its nice.

I should have known when he picks the braid up in my hair, looks at the feather and laughs (ask how old I am). I answer with a laugh and ask if he thought that was too old for feathers and fringe? "Oh, no" he said. "I just have never seen anything like that before."

I should have known when Naomi's teacher was telling me how happy she was with her. How smart she was, how she likes to participate in class, how she gets off the bus saying "look at my hair, look what I'm wearing, look what my momma did to my nails." Thank you for stopping by.

I should have known when went to the boys school to help with lunch and she had to wear the ballerina dress and shoes she was going to be the center of attention.

I should have know when we came home and she wanted to play outside that the application of sunscreen was going to turn into a photo shoot.

I should have know playing out in the garage would provide the opportunity to change her clothes three more times!

I should have know my son would get in on this too.

I should have known it was just going to be one of those days when people notice. All of my life I have tried to be part of the crowd but because of my personality I have always been a little different. Not necessarily in a bad way (I know that's debatable to some) but the way I finish my look is different. Of course you could say that about a lot of people now days and I think that is OK.
I'm glad my kids feel free to express themselves. I hope they keep it up and grow it in a positive way.

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