Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Just checked my e-mail, and got the biggest laugh. Elijah got a less than stellar grade in French, so I thought I would e-mail for a little early intervention. The teacher is a young lady full of energy and very motivating (she also told us she LOVES getting e-mail) so I thought what the hey. Our first e-mail started out with what the options were to get a better grade. She told me that they had free tutoring! But that if I wanted to purchase a computer program there were several available. She started off with the $500 price range and then in the end mentioned a couple for $50. I wrote her back thanking her, especially for the lower range as I was in no position to spend more. That's when it got funny.

She e-mails me back:
I can't afford ANYTHING for $5oo. I see these girls with the purses that cost more than that. Ah, the plight of teaching.

How funny, I know I am not the only one that lives in reality, I just don't hear to many other people saying what I think. Elijah tells me that most of the kids at his school are rich and spoilt. I just remind him that he is rich in love and most definitely spoilt. Don't let it go to your head!

1 comment:

Dianne said...

The sad thing is that a lot of those people can't afford those $500 purses either. They gave up something else for them. You just have to put things in the proper priority.

Love and family always come first!