Thursday, January 10, 2008


Kids say the darnedest things. Which reminds me of a funny story. We were riding home from the store the other night when much discussion ensued. I can't remember what the discussion was about, just the fact that everyone was talking. Then it happened, someone got upset that someone else had a comment. So of course I jump in with, "you don't always have to comment on someone else's discussion." The discussion goes on and Levi says to Naomi, "There's no need for your opinion." Naomi, clearly upset says, "Don't call me a pin yon." Pause, "Mommy, what's a pin yon?" That stopped the conversation as we were pulling in the driveway laughing. I say "Sometimes you just have to enjoy the moment."


Dina said...

I finally got it!! that is sooo cute. I don't picture your kids ever fighting. they always look so playful towards each other.

Dianne said...

I'm like Dina. I didn't get it at first. She left off the O! At first I thought she was saying Pinata.

Love you All!