Wednesday, January 09, 2008

Last night

I know I had a couple of dreams last night. The only one I can remember is my first one because I woke up and repeated to myself several times to try and remember. Of course I can't recall all of it, but what I remember is...

I was at my old grade school. Someone needed to let the horses out. It seemed that I was on my way to do this. When I went outside there was a line of kids to get into church. I look down and I have a big tote bag full of huge candy canes. I see Joe in the front of the line and I know I am supposed to meet him. I am trying to decide what would be the best route. Straight or make my way around. Just then the line moves and I am able to go straight. It starts to drizzle and my candy canes turn into and umbrella. The dream was calm and good feeling.

Umbrella-protective accessories, suggest along with the rain I am being battered with my emotions.
Husband-it could mean anything from my relationship with Joe to the male side of me.
Lines-is a symbol of movement but also a boundary, a straight line is wanting an efficient way to reach my goals.
Horse-it has several meanings starting with male sexuality. The represent urges that we have learned to harness, in general the represent positive things that are happening.

Any thoughts?


Dianne said...

Dreams are interesting. You have always had accessories. I am not surprised they would be in your dreams. I think our stressful lifestyle contributes to our dreams. Did you have a good day yesterday? I think how you feel when you go to bed makes a difference.

I love your 'food for thought' entries on your blog.

Dina said...

very interesting. are those YOUR ananlogies or are you reading them from a DREAM book??