Sunday, January 13, 2008


If you ever wanted to see owl puke, here it is! Rumor is, not everyone likes to view pics through flickr, and with something this cool I had to post a few more than usual. ENJOY. I am such a procrastinator, and with so much to do around here, I thought I would spend a few hours totally engrossed in this. Just couldn't think of anything better to do, not organize pictures, clean a few rooms (I did do a little laundry) nope, nothing. Fresh out of the package. Wrapped in aluminum foil and sealed in a baggie. Very firm, the book said to soak it first to make it easier.
Always one to follow instructions, since I am older, at least. I put it in water not knowing what to expect.
Should have known, something that looks like poo when dry would look like this when wet! I am starting to regret my choice in projects about this time. That, and the thought that I will have to get it out of the water was not appealing to me.
Bravely, I fish it out. It feels soft and a little slimy and quickly falls apart. Then the smell hits me. What was I thinking!!!
This is the tray to help sort all the parts. Trying to take my mind of the smell and task at hand. I think it is really cool. I felt like a scientist, or thinking of my cousin in the lab working with different specimen.
One of the first things I see. I'm getting excited now!
I can't believe it! My owl was hungry! Not one, but two rats (mice?) Now I have been sitting here smelling that funky smell and am ready to finish this. Not one to give up so easy, I think it can't take much longer. And I really want to see what's in the other one!
Here it is, the other half! It seemed to go quicker but I realize I am in the right profession. I could NEVER sit still that long! Even if it was doing something really cool, I just don't have it in me.
Wow! I must be a little off but I have always been fascinated with bones. Must have been all those episodes of Quincy when I was growing up.
The finished product. All that is left to do is glue them on a paper, minus the hair. I will be ditching it first thing!
I hope I didn't gross anyone out with my post today. I have always said I am a little different (maybe not) and you never know what you will experience hanging out with me!
Dinner, anyone?


Dianne said...

That is awsome! But, Why did you do that? I hope you had on gloves! Since it is Puke rather than Poop, does that mean the owl volmits what it can't digest?
What were the children doing when you were doing this?

Dina said...

WHAT THA ? WHAT THA??!!! AHHHH YOU HAVE NERVE GIRL...THAT WAS NASTY (but cool how you collected all the bones, like CSI )

sooooo many Talents cousin!!