Sunday, November 16, 2008


Today we woke up to snow on the rooftops. The kids were excited beyond belief.

I have a "to do" list a mile long. Not really, but it seems that way.

For my business alone, it is overwhelming.

Personal is WAY overwhelming, I guess I better get started. At least I hear that is the way to get things accomplished. I am quite the procrastinator if you didn't already know that.

My list consist of at the moment: Not in any particular order as in that would be way too much pressure.

1. Hang our bikes from hooks in the garage
2. Finish hanging Levi's cork board wall
3. Work in the yard specifically pruning trees and moving plants (unless it gets warm again I won't be the one doing this job)
4. Remove scratches from dining room table (since I moved my house around, I found new things to do)
5. Remove more clutter
6. Clean and organize office
7. Get things ready to take with us for Thanksgiving
8. Work on computer (something besides blogging)
9. Scan kids artwork (has nothing to do with #8)
10. Rearrange the garage as to be able to get the car in it for the winter
11. Get material for Christmas play

Some things I have on the list for Joe. I am willing to help but he will have to do most of it(maybe with the help of Pop???).
12. Build awning for shed
13. Get hot tub running with new hoses
14. Get workshop organized to work more efficiently

It looks like we have our hands full with plenty to do. I'm sure we will mix some fun things in too as we always do. I just find it really helps me to have a list, even if I have a hard time starting... My life reminds me of the book If You Give a Moose a Muffin If you have read it you will know what I'm talking about.

1 comment:

Dianne said...

That is a long list. There is always a lot to do this time of the year. Just go with the flow!