Sunday, November 23, 2008


It's been a busy day, just working around the house. "Git r done" seems to be the motto of the day. Just kidding, it just feels that way. Trying to keep my house just picked up is a full time job, and, like everyone else, doing laundry, dishes. I was able to cross a few things off my list so I am feeling good. My back is better, not perfect, but I am not going to let that stop me.

I wanted to share why I feel blessed. Because I do have a home, food to eat, and warm clothes on my back. I have a nice warm shower to use everyday, and a vehicle to get around in.

These, are things most people take for granted.

Today, my family and I went and served lunch at a homeless shelter. We signed up a couple of weeks ago at our church's ministry sign up. Joe and Elijah have gone before with the church but we had not done it as a family. The ministry is called the Jello Team and we are ask to bring Jello to serve. I made enough for 32 not knowing what to expect.

We showed up with our Jello and learn that someone else is supposed to be there with food to serve lunch. Not sure what to do, but willing to help in anyway we could, we just hung out. It was not long before we realized that the people and the food weren't going to show up and we were in a panic. The director started pulling a little of this, and a little of that together and we ended with a full meal. We had to move quickly as they were on a time schedule and didn't want to be late. Everyone worked together like pros. The kids were a joy to work with and did a fantastic job of being mature and really helping out. Yes, I do remember that Naomi is 6 and Levi is 10. They
made me proud in every way.

By the time we left we had cleaned, prepared sandwiches, served cake and Jello and made conversations with anyone who wanted to talk. We heard many thanks and how good it was to have a nice place to take a shower and get a good meal. I heard how beautiful my children are, and how sweet they were.

Anna, one of the ladies there, even ask me to keep her in my prayers. She has a heart condition and is a little late on taking her medicine and feeling the effects.

Once we were home I ask the kids how they felt going to serve today. Both really liked helping and would like to go back. Levi was better able to explain how he felt. Of course I can't remember how well he put it when I ask him, but I was really surprised. He seemed like he had really been thinking about it and liked being able to tell me. The main thing I remember is that he finished with saying he felt closer to God and going to Heaven.

I think we will try to do this again soon. I learned today that my family is growing up and with that growth, the desire to help others. There are so many ways we can help, I don't see how we can stop now.

I hope everyone takes time to remember the blessing we all have been given. They may seem small at times but if you are reading this, you are doing well. There are so many people going without even the basics.

Just a reality check, I hope you don't mind that I took you with me.


Dina said...

That sounds like a awesome day!! It is such a great thing to let your kids be involved, instead of just "telling" them to help others, they witnessed it from the most influencial people in their lives...their parents!!! GREAT JOB!!

Dianne said...

Just another reason I am so proud of my children. You have always had a good heart and it is good to know you are passing it on.
I love you all!