Tuesday, November 04, 2008


I found a few more videos in my collection but this one is typical of the response I get when I pull out the camera in front of people over the age of 10. Funny but in a different kind of way. Dad, Hannah, and funny boy Elijah.


Dina said...

thats funny!!! doesn't everyone have SOMETHIN to say UNTIL you turn on a CAMERA??!!! Was that Naomi saying "my turn". too cute, she needs her OWN video. she seems like a ham like Tiki!

Kathy said...

Dina- Naomi loves to perform. I was looking for the video of her saying the Pledge of Allegence for today but didn't find it.

Dianne said...

That is too typical of Pop.
Maybe we will all get used to having the camera on. I love it and most of all we love you!