Friday, March 20, 2009


Sometimes, once is never enough. Other times once is WAY more than enough.

So the case may be with the skunk spray.

It was late last night, all was well. We decide to let the dogs out again one last time before bed.

I am downstairs switching the laundry out, thinking that Joe must have washed the laundry from the previous skunk spray. (Yes, I put it outside thinking I would wash it latter. Now I am scared to put it into my machine!)

Before I open the washer Joe appears and ask me to come smell Butter to see if she got sprayed again. I knew the answer without even putting forth the effort.

Once again Flash escaped the wretched smell and was allowed in.

Butter on the other hand, has become a temporary outside dog. Worst of all, she hates it.

I feel guilty. Do you know how hard it is to sneak around without your dog seeing you???

At least the inside of my house smells good. We had just got the last skunk smell out and I am not ready to go through that again.

Sorry Butter, we really do love you!


Dianne said...

Oh no! I always thought Butter was a lot smarter than that! Go to She had a segment about skunk sprays the other day. It wouldn't hurt to check it out.
Love ya!

Dina said...

Pooooor Buuuuutttterrr!!! aww, its been sooo long since I've had a dog, but they are soooo part of us, that I know!!!! do they have some kind of noisy traps or do lights scare them away. you could get a sensor light that when they are near, light goes on & they get scared??? poor baby. but I understand NOT wanting it in the house either. Kids probably just got all their friends BACK ha ha....good luck!!

Frankie said...

yes I can identify with the skunk,
I have a cat and sometimes I know just who has visited the food dish.