Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Today is St. Patrick's Day, as I'm sure most of you are aware of. Because of St. Patrick, today is extra special for the kids. Since my kids go to a school that requires a uniform, and the resident nun loves St. Patrick's Day, they decided to let them celebrate with a non uniform day. The only catch was you had to wear green. Naomi's teacher took it a step farther and added a contest for the most Irish spirit. So the challenge was on! A while back while supplies were still plenty I picked up each kid a green item to wear today at Target for a dollar. Not bad! Little did I know they were going to be able to go out of uniform, but the items still worked. Elijah got a green bow tie (not sure he will let me take a picture) which I thought was really cool. Lots of GREEN. We even had to make green water for them to drink today!!!
Complete with green earings and necklace.

Check out this boy's socks, do they rock or what?


Dianne said...


Dina said...

sooo classic!!!